Website Pains

The reservation website it terrible. It is extremely slow at loading the map/listing of sites (3+ minutes using both Chrome and Edge) and it will not allow me to change the reservation dates without going back to the page where you select the campground. Then you have to wait for everything load again. Very unhappy with the site.
Overall Experience  1.0
Services  1.0


Well I booked it online originally but the call center changed the date for me. I had booked it for the 3-5th but the site I booked had other people there and nobody was in the office when I tried stopping.Went on the fourth and was empty but it also didn’t have my name on the site .So again I went to the office planning on booking it for an extra night as well and people were there but they said they had moved my site to a different site and that it wasn’t available for an extra night but my original site was. I was also told that they couldn’t move my site back to my original site unless I called the call center but by the time they looked into it it was past open time??I was also told that someone would contact me the following day but nobody ever did.So two wasted trips when it’s almost $5 a gallon for gas and my car broke down on my return back home ??Seriously the biggest waste of my time and money when I couldn’t even use what I booked and paid for!
Overall Experience  1.5
Services  2.2
Facilities  3.8
Restrooms  2.9
Amenities  4.0
Facilities  4.0

POOR website

My experience with this web site is the poorest experience I've ever had making reservations at a SD park. It is extremely slow, and it is even more slow if you would like to reserve for a group. It kicks you way back to selecting a park. The time it takes to go through this extremely slow process, we are no longer able to have our family together as a group, because someone else has taken the spot. I can not say strongly enough about how poor this website is!!!
Overall Experience  1.0
Services  4.3
Facilities  5.0
Restrooms  4.4
Amenities  4.0
Facilities  4.2

Poor website and no priority to locals

Website is TERRIBLE. The last site was much better compared to this one. Freezes up in the middle of booking, extremely slow, doesn't hold the dates correctly, and the APP is worse. Being a SD resident I have been unable to book a camping spot in the Yankton Area for several years. Would be nice if the locals that hold licenses, pay taxes, and utilize the lake area regularly would get priority booking over out of state campers. Even a 10 min early reservation booking would be great! This weekend we can't get a spot and the ones that opened today were all on a "management hold" whatever that means. My kids are sad and I am very frustrated with this system.
 Local Camper
Overall Experience  3.4
Services  1.0


The park is the best but my gripe to put it lightly is the web page to reserve a camp site. IT'S TERRIBLE!!!! When you change the way to make a reservation.. MAKE IT FOR THE BETTER!!!! Fire the person who came up with this idea and give the job to someone who knows how to set up an easy to use web page for making a reservation!
 Not A Happy Camper
Services  1.0